Digestive Health
Dr. Kim Townsend, ND believes that digestive health is fundamental to the health of the entire body. There are more immune system receptor cells in the digestive tract than anywhere else in the body. An inflamed digestive tract can lead to damage to these immune cells and ultimately poor health.
When the digestive system is not functioning well, food is not broken down and absorbed properly which can lead to symptoms of indigestion and malabsorption. As a result nutrients are not absorbed as they should and may result in nutrient depletion. Fatigue, gas and bloating, mood disturbances, behavioral issues, irritability, memory problems, and environmental toxicity are all associated with poor digestion. The overall effect of a compromised digestive system is the potential for bigger health problems down the road.
Another concern with inflammation of the digestive tract is the increased risk for developing leaky gut syndrome. This condition is the result of undigested food molecules that travel across the intestinal mucosal barrier and end up in the blood stream. The body’s immune system does not recognize these larger molecules and mounts an immune response to these foods. The result is multiple food intolerance’s. The continued consumption of these foods leads to further damage and a vicious cycle of poor digestion and allergic reactions to more and more foods.
Dr. Kim has multiple tools to determine the cause of digestive disturbance. She may suggest IgG food intolerance testing. This simple lab test is used to asses up to 200 different food sensitivities. She may also recommend a Stool Analysis to determine whether there may be digestive enzyme deficiencies or possible parasites leading to digestive issues. During a patient appointment she may perform TBM (Total Body Modification) and/or and EDS (Electro Dermal Screening) testing to gain a better understanding of specific organ weakness and the underlying ‘cause’ of digestive disturbances.
Your Naturopathic treatment plan will focus on healthy eating habits, detoxification, and supplements to heal the gut and eliminate the symptoms caused by bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. Your naturopathic doctor will provide a nutrition and diet plan that includes the elimination of your allergenic foods. The overall treatment goals will be to eliminate the underlying cause, heal the digestive tract, and stimulate the body’s innate immune response.
Common Digestive Problems Treated at the Townsend Naturopathic Clinic:
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Food Intolerances and Food Allergies
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating and Gas
- Digestive Enzyme Deficiency
- HCL Deficiency
- GI Issues due to Antibiotic Use
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Celiac Disease
- Chrohn’s Disease
- Diverticulitis
- Heartburn/ Acid Reflux
- Hemmorrhoids
- Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis

Digestive Health
Dr. Kim Townsend, ND believes that digestive health is fundamental to the health of the entire body. There are more immune system receptor cells in the digestive tract than anywhere else in the body. An inflamed digestive tract can lead to damage to these immune cells and ultimately poor health.
When the digestive system is not functioning well, food is not broken down and absorbed properly which can lead to symptoms of indigestion and malabsorption. As a result nutrients are not absorbed as they should and may result in nutrient depletion. Fatigue, gas and bloating, mood disturbances, behavioral issues, irritability, memory problems, and environmental toxicity are all associated with poor digestion. The overall effect of a compromised digestive system is the potential for bigger health problems down the road.
Another concern with inflammation of the digestive tract is the increased risk for developing leaky gut syndrome. This condition is the result of undigested food molecules that travel across the intestinal mucosal barrier and end up in the blood stream. The body’s immune system does not recognize these larger molecules and mounts an immune response to these foods. The result is multiple food intolerance’s. The continued consumption of these foods leads to further damage and a vicious cycle of poor digestion and allergic reactions to more and more foods.
Dr. Kim has multiple tools to determine the cause of digestive disturbance. She may suggest IgG food intolerance testing. This simple lab test is used to asses up to 200 different food sensitivities. She may also recommend a Stool Analysis to determine whether there may be digestive enzyme deficiencies or possible parasites leading to digestive issues. During a patient appointment she may perform TBM (Total Body Modification) and/or and EDS (Electro Dermal Screening) testing to gain a better understanding of specific organ weakness and the underlying ‘cause’ of digestive disturbances.
Your Naturopathic treatment plan will focus on healthy eating habits, detoxification, and supplements to heal the gut and eliminate the symptoms caused by bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. Your naturopathic doctor will provide a nutrition and diet plan that includes the elimination of your allergenic foods. The overall treatment goals will be to eliminate the underlying cause, heal the digestive tract, and stimulate the body’s innate immune response.
Common Digestive Problems Treated at the Townsend Naturopathic Clinic:
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Food Intolerances and Food Allergies
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating and Gas
- Digestive Enzyme Deficiency
- HCL Deficiency
- GI Issues due to Antibiotic Use
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Celiac Disease
- Chrohn’s Disease
- Diverticulitis
- Heartburn/ Acid Reflux
- Hemmorrhoids
- Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis